人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る

2021/06/12 LUKOS

2021/06/12 LUKOS_e0341849_20535481.jpg
Morning walk / pee and poop
Evening walk / pee and poop

Breakfast /60g Grass fed lamb and 110g venison
Dinner / 60g Grass fed lamb and 110g venison
Hallow everybody. 
     Moved to NEW URL   "https://lukos.exblog.jp"
     Thank you for your keeping on .
ig is up "#lukos2017"
2021/06/12 LUKOS_e0341849_20442995.jpg
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2021/06/12 LUKOS_e0341849_20540982.jpg

 にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 動物写真へ 

# by ginen-to-digital | 2021-06-12 20:56 | LUKOS

2021/06/11 LUKOS

2021/06/11 LUKOS_e0341849_20451940.jpg
Morning walk / pee and poop
Evening walk / pee and poop

Breakfast / 60g Grass Fed Lamb and 110g venison
Dinner / 60g Grass Fed Lamb and 110g venison

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2021/06/11 LUKOS_e0341849_20451296.jpg

 にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 動物写真へ 

# by ginen-to-digital | 2021-06-11 20:48 | LUKOS

2021/06/10 LUKOS

2021/06/10 LUKOS_e0341849_21014268.jpg
Morning walk / pee and poop
Evening walk / pee and poop

Breakfast / 60g Grass Fed Lamb and 110g venison
Dinner / 60g Grass Fed Lamb and 110g venison
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2021/06/10 LUKOS_e0341849_21032895.jpg

 にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 動物写真へ 

# by ginen-to-digital | 2021-06-10 21:05 | LUKOS

2021/06/09 LUKOS

2021/06/09 LUKOS_e0341849_20483851.jpg
Morning walk / pee and poop
Evening walk / pee and poop

Breakfast /60g Grass Fed Lamb and 110g venison
Dinner / 60g Grass Fed Lamb and 110g venison
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2021/06/09 LUKOS_e0341849_20495547.jpg

 にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 動物写真へ 

# by ginen-to-digital | 2021-06-09 20:52 | LUKOS

2021/6/08 LUKOS

2021/6/08 LUKOS_e0341849_20190878.jpg
Morning walk / pee and poop
Evening walk / pee and poop

Breakfast / 60g Grass Fed Lamb and 110g venison
Dinner / 60g Grass Fed Lamb and 110g venison

2021/6/08 LUKOS_e0341849_20183920.jpg
2021/6/08 LUKOS_e0341849_20182364.jpg
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2021/6/08 LUKOS_e0341849_20185520.jpg

 にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 動物写真へ 

# by ginen-to-digital | 2021-06-08 20:21 | LUKOS

『銀塩とデジタルが写す自然と生命』… 耳順も過ぎ来世を焦がれる時節柄、銀塩をデジタルに改め旅立ちの準備といたします。折々の花を愛でながら。

by ginen-to-digital


West Australia
Kala Patthar 2013

Diary of Woodpecker


2021/06/12 LUKOS
at 2021-06-12 20:56
2021/06/11 LUKOS
at 2021-06-11 20:48
2021/06/10 LUKOS
at 2021-06-10 21:05
2021/06/09 LUKOS
at 2021-06-09 20:52
2021/6/08 LUKOS
at 2021-06-08 20:21


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マイ ライト ~ シャドウ



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